evolveEA Engages Brookline Online and in Community Meetings

July 10, 2013

This week, as part of evolveEA’s Identity & Visioning project with the South Pittsburgh neighborhood of Brookline, we launched an online engagement effort inviting residents, business owners, and area consumers to contribute ideas to our process. A new website, OurBrookline.com, will ask participants a new set of questions each week for the next eight weeks, providing important data about the values, assets, and issues in Brookline’s business district and throughout the community. The online engagement is paired with a series of community meetings that provide a platform to those who may not be interested in participating online or who wish to actively contribute to the process in both ways.
Our work with this community was initiated by the South Pittsburgh Development Corporation and supported by the Design Center. Our goals are to bring the community together in order to co-create a brand for the neighborhood that reflects its unique history, character, and aspirations. If you live, work, eat, or shop in Brookline, you can join the conversation at OurBrookline.com and be part of this exciting effort. The next community meeting will take place Thursday, July 25, 7pm – 9pm at Saint Marc’s Church on Brookline Boulevard.

Evolve EA